Legislation on land right is an important part of Chinese legislation of real laws, which, in turn, concerns the survival and development of Chinese society. 土地权利立法是中国物权立法的重要内容,物权法对其如何规定则涉及中国社会的生存和发展。
Land right instauration and management of urban underground space in Shanghai 上海城市地下空间权利设置与土地管理研究
Its land right of private ownership form included land which could be inherited, garden and grave field, temple land. 唐代土地私有权的形态包括永业田、园宅墓田、寺院土地。
And it's really hard to figure out how to get your missile so that it will land right on top of Moscow, if you don't know where the submarine is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 如果不知道潜艇在太平洋中的确切位置,就很难弄清楚如何让导弹正好发射到莫斯科的上空。
Rural reconstruction land right of use circulation On the Marketability and Legal Safeguard of Transfer of Rural Construction Land 农村建设用地使用权流转的市场化及法律保障
Besides, right to yields was also violated. In this article, the current situation of rural collective land right were analyzed. The abnormal situation of rural collective land right were pointed out, and several advices were proposed. 重点分析了当前农村集体土地权利状况,指出农村集体土地权利的畸形现状,并提出了几点解决问题的建议。
Meanwhile, china has been qualified in implementing the Circulation of Rural Land Right to Use concerning economics, system, policy, law. 同时我国已经具备实行农用地使用权流转的经济、制度、政策、法律等方面的条件。
And then, some feasible suggestions have been presented to the disadvantages exist including the object of ownership, system of collective land right to use, rural collective land contract to run collective transfer of the land, mortgage and rural residence base, etc. 对集体土地的所有主体、集体土地的所有权制度、集体土地的使用权制度、农村集体土地承包经营、集体土地转让、抵押和农村宅基地等制度存在的问题提出了建议;
Farming land right family melts, at the same time, country should adjust the finance for rural in time, take over for use farming land with the policy of tax revenue; 农地产权家庭化,同时,国家应及时调整对农村的财政、征用农地和税收政策;
China's rural land right conflicts in the Chinese political, economic, legal, social, moral, customs force to the conflicts, which caused by the complexity of China's rural land-use rules'uncertainty. 中国农村土地权利冲突问题实质上是中国政治、经济、法律、社会、道德、习惯等各种力量的冲突,冲突的复杂性造成了中国农村土地使用规则的不确定性。
It is very important for assure the normal development to maintain a proper treatment on forest land right. 正确处理林权争议(指林木、林地所有权和使用权争议)对于保证林业正常发展具有重要意义。
The resolution of this problem depends on the re-designation of land right in Chinese country. 这一命题的解决有赖于中国农村土地权利制度重新设计。
As a form of property right of symbolic capital, symbolic land right is reproductive. 象征地权是一种象征资本的产权形式,具有象征资本的再生产性。
The adjustment of the land right should be confirmed and registered according to the law and the program. 涉及权属调整的要依法和按程序确认调整后的权属,进行变更登记。
On this basis, the article regard value rationality and form rationality of which were required modern legal system as the standard, have proposed five basic principles of reconstructing the system of our country land right: the principle of separating private right from the national public power; 在此基础上,以现代法制所要求的价值合理性和形式合理性为标准,提出了重构我国农村土地权利制度的五项基本原则:国家公权力与私权利相分离的原则;
Secondly the right of collectivity and farmer are damaged owe to the faulty land right system. 在不完全的土地产权体系中农村集体和农户利益受到侵害;
This paper focuses on the symbolic land right and re interprets the property right and social structure in Chinese history through a case study of Yangcun village of Fujian province. 本文通过福建阳村的田野研究,运用象征地权的概念重新理解中国历史上的土地产权结构和社会结构。
The Land Right's Conflicts in China's Rural District and the System's Generation 中国农村土地权利冲突及制度生成
In order to assure the deep development of the Circulation of Rural Land Right to Use, there are also measures in economics and sociology. 同时为了保证农用地使用权流转的深入广泛的开展,笔者还从经济学和社会学的视角提出了相应的完善措施。
The trend of modern land right system is to restrict farmland ownership and strengthen farmland use right. 限制农地所有权,强化农地使用权是现代农地产权制度的发展趋势;
The circulation of the land right to use has solved the problem of neglecting the cultivated land to some extent, improved the land utilization ratio and agricultural production effects, At present, many places probe some of the problem actively. 土地使用权流转,一定程度上解决了耕地抛荒问题,提高了土地利用率和农业生产效益。
Reflections on Land Right System& Planning Behaviors of Local Government 关于土地权利制度与地方政府规划行为的思考
The article puts forward several suggestions on modification to current regulations regarding confirmation of land right. 研究结果:对当前土地确权的相关规定提出了几点修改建议。
Timely pushing forward the flow of farmland property right-pushing ahead from average land right to proper-scale management; 适时推动农地产权流动,由平均地权向适度规模经营推进;
Chapter analyzes the land right and types of the price of land right, then defines the intension of compensate price in land purchasing in China, and finally puts forward the preliminary thinking and method of the assessment of the compensate price in land purchasing. 第四章对我国土地储备中土地收购价格的内涵作出了界定,提出了土地收购价格评估的初步思路和方法。
To Reform the System for Land Right and to Re study the Protection of Farmland 创新土地产权制度、切实保护耕地的再研究
Revise farmland relevance laws and statutes; set up the land right category register centre in which register contracted management rights, forest and house site; carry out strictly in plan administration and use control; reform land collects system. 2. 修订农地相关法律法规;设立土地权属登记中心,对承包地、林地和宅基地等统一进行法律登记管理;严格规划管理和用途管制;改革土地征收制度。
The land right warrant was a symbol of the Ningbo legal system modernization. 土地权利凭证的变迁是宁波土地法律制度在近代变迁的一个非常真实的具有符号意义的写照。
The land right of management circulation is the product of our country rural household production contract management system. 土地经营权流转是我国农村家庭联产承包责任制推行后的产物。
Thus we can say that their land right and interests are one of the most basics. 可以说,农民土地权益是农民最基础的权益。